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Santa Rosa Junior College Athletics

California Community College Athletic Association Constitution Bylaw 4.4, 4.5 & 4.7

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4.4 DECORUM (Adopted 4/3/09 effective 7/1/09)

4.4.1 Decorum —Is the CCCAA code of behavior for all participants in sponsored athletic events. For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

A. Participant—is a player, coach, team member, team attendant, official, or college staff member.

B. Event—is defined as the time a team or participant arrives at the event site until the time the team or participant leaves the event site.

C. Ejection—Removal from a scrimmage/game/meet/match of a participant for the remainder of the event.

1. Sport rulebook infraction. Removal from the event for actions not under the jurisdiction of this policy, but are covered by the rules of the sport.

2. Decorum violation: Removal of a participant for verbal or physical misconduct, or unsportsmanlike conduct.

a. Verbal misconduct or unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as, but not limited to, unsportsmanlike tactics, such as using profanity or vulgarity, taunting, spitting on an opponent, ridiculing, finger pointing, making obscene gestures, throwing gang signs, baiting an opponent, inciting undesirable crowd reactions, persistent arguing with officials, or aggressive behavior toward officials.

b. Physical misconduct is defined as, but not limited to, any attempt by a participant to contact another participant in a combative manner unrelated to the sport. Such acts include striking or attempting to strike a participant whether or not there is contact.

3. All ejections will be reviewed by the conference commissioner, who will determine if the ejection was a sport rulebook infraction or a decorum violation.

a. A decision that a decorum violation has occurred may be appealed to the CCCAA Appeals Board. (Revised & effective 06/28/16)

b. An appeal does not set aside the sanction while the appeal is being deliberated.

c. All decorum violations will result in at least a next event suspension.


4.4.2 Where official rule books (see Bylaw 4.1.1) and the CCCAA decorum rules differ, the most stringent rules shall apply. (Adopted 4/3/09 effective 7/1/09)

4.5 DECORUM VIOLATIONS (Adopted 4/3/09 effective 7/1/09) (Adopted 4/3/15 effective 7/1/15)


A. Ejected participants must leave the confines of the playing site and grandstands immediately. (Adopted & effective 6/13/11)                       

B. Suspended participants may not: (Adopted & effective 6/13/11)

1. Be dressed in game uniform.

2. Communicate with any team personnel or officials.

3. Take part in any pregame activities at the site of the competition. 120 California Community College Athletic Association Constitution & Bylaws - July 2017

4. Be in the confines of the playing site once pregame activities have started.      

C. Coaches or team attendants sanctioned by any of the above bylaws are prohibited from participation in the event only, not from carrying out assigned non-event responsibilities.

See Figure 1—Article 7.4.11 Decorum Infractions Chart (Adopted 4/3/15 effective 7/1/15)


4.7.1 Each person participating in a CCCAA event shall receive a copy of the decorum policy, and provide written acknowledgment of understanding the rules contained therein.

4.7.2 Failure of the institution to conduct decorum training for all coaches shall result in the entire sports program being placed on probation. (Adopted 4/3/09; effective 7/1/09)

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